8 Ways To Eat Healthy Without Trying Hard

How to eat healthy without trying hard

Dave and I are headed home in about a week and a half. We know that once we go home to Connecticut, it’s going to be non-stop eating.  We’ve promised ourselves that we would eat healthy until then, so that once we get home, we can completely indulge without feeling bad. During this time of year, it can be extremely difficult to eat healthy. The truth is it doesn’t have to be so difficult. Sure, every now and again I love a good slice of pizza or a cheese burger with fries, but for the most part I think we all should be able to eat a reasonably balanced and healthy diet. The trick is to get into the habit of eating healthy food without even thinking that your eating healthy. It’s not about limiting yourself, but rather, it’s about creating easy opportunities for you to eat good and healthy food. Here are my tips on how to eat healthy without trying hard:

1.) Find substitutes that work.

Substitutes are great because they satiate your cravings without all the extra calories. I will often substitute spaghetti squash for spaghetti, lean turkey instead of beef, coconut oil instead of vegetable oil, apple sauce or greek yogurt instead of butter, homemade sweet potato fries instead of frozen bagged french fries. Here are 20 healthy food substitutes that could work for you.

2.) Stock up on plenty of fruits and veggies.

I’ve noticed it’s so important for Dave and I to have a fridge full of fruits and veggies. When those late night cravings come in or when we want a quick snack, we’ll opt for an apple or a clementine instead of a bag of chips.

3.) Don’t even let the unhealthies into your cart.

Speaking of a bag of chips, the easiest way to avoid them is by not even allowing junk food into your shopping cart. When there’s no junk food in your house, you can’t aimlessly be snacking on it. If you’re anything like me, when you know there’s junk food in your house, you’re constantly going to be tempted to open up the cupboard and sneak “one more” cookie. Remember, when it’s out of sight (and proximity), it’s out of mind.

4.) Plan your meals.

Planning your meals ahead of time is one of the best ways to eat healthy without trying hard. What’s great about planning meals ahead of time is that it gives you enough time to think about what it is your eating, what you need the buy, and it also gets you excited about eating your meal. You’ll be anticipating it all day, which will help you avoid any unnecessary, unhealthy food cravings.

5.) Tupperware is your friend.

Tupperware is a healthy eating savior. One of the reasons we don’t like to eat healthy is because we think it’s so inconvenient. Having easy access to tupperware filled with fresh veggies in your fridge will no longer let you play the “it’s too much work” to eat healthy card. It’s easy to buy fresh veggies or even canned veggies, chop them up and store them in tupperware containers for easy access throughout the week.

6.) Look for color.

Next time you’re at the grocery store, take a minute to look at what’s in your shopping cart. Is it filled with lots of different colors? Or is everything bland and colorless. (And hey, the packaging labels don’t count!!) If you don’t see much color in there, add it in! In order to eat healthy without trying hard, you need to be aware of what items you’re purchasing.

7.) Limit eating out.

This one is hard for Dave and I because we looovee eating out. We know that when we eat out, we’re probably splurging and getting one too many drinks and appetizers and not to mention, the portions are always huge. An easy way to eat healthy without trying hard is by eating at home, limiting your eating out, and avoiding restaurant meals that are often over portioned.

8.) Give yourself a budget.

Another way to eat healthy without trying hard is by giving yourself a budget. If you stick to a budget, you’ll be more aware of what you’re purchasing. You’ll make smarter and healthier decisions at the grocery store and you won’t be tempted to add in all the extra, unneeded junk food. Junk food after all, is a budget killer.

Do you have any tips on how to eat healthy without trying too hard this season? Feel free to comment below, I’d love to know!

1 Comment on 8 Ways To Eat Healthy Without Trying Hard

  1. chelsea jacobs
    December 15, 2015 at 10:48 am (8 years ago)

    YES. Planning and tupperware are life savers when it comes to eating healthy without all the stress.


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