How To Maintain A Strong Relationship With Opposite Work Schedules

How to maintain a relationship with opposite work schedules

Having been together for almost four years now, one of the things Dave and I have been trying to master is having a normal, healthy relationship with opposite work schedules. I have a typical 9 to 5 job, whereas Dave’s schedule is bit more complex. He works evenings on the weekdays and throughout the weekends. At first our opposite schedules really bothered me (and sometimes they still do) but now that we’ve figured out how to make the best of it, I’m quite used to it. And I’m not going to lie, it isn’t always easy, but we are intentional in making it work for the both of us. I think we’ve realized that we have a lot of good happening because of our opposite schedules, and that’s key. Here are some tips for maintaining a relationship with opposite work schedules:

1.) Take advantage of your time off.

Whenever we get time together we make sure that we are focused on one another. There’s always time to flip through Instagram, there will always be emails to answer, and Netflix will still be there… however, time together is sparing. We take advantage of our time together by having meals at the table instead of on the couch in front of the TV. This is what I look forward to most evenings, catching up and talking about our days.

2.) Meet half way.

I’ve learned that relationships are all about compromise. Dave will often have a few hours free in between games or practices. We’ll meet at coffee shops that are located half way between where he is and where I am. That way, it’s easier on both of us and allows for a quick, spontaneous date.

3.) Focus on you and your hobbies.

Create your own community so that you’re not relying on each other 100% of the time. When Dave is away on the weekends coaching, it can get lonely every now and again. To avoid those feelings, I’ve realized it’s important for me to find other things to do, like: going to Meetup groups, cleaning out my closet, calling up a friend for coffee, listening to music, baking, etc. When you come back together it’s really fun to share your separate passions, hobbies, and experiences with one another.

4.) Schedule and plan your date nights.

I love having something to look forward to, so we’ll plan a date night once a week. We’ll be talking about which restaurants we want to go to, (usually it’s Thai) or sometimes it’s early morning brunch, a late night movie, a walk around our apartment complex, or a trip to the mall.

5.) But don’t schedule too much…

Knowing Dave has a more complex schedule, I try to leave my schedule semi-open so that I can be flexible to his and he does the same for me. If some free time opens up unexpectedly, we make sure we are available for one another.

6.) Sacrifice.

So you know how I mentioned I look forward to having dinner together? Well, dinner doesn’t start until 9:30 p.m. Which to me, is kind of late, and my tummy is grumbling by then, but I’d rather wait up and eat dinner together than eat separately. It’s all about sacrifice.

7.) Little gestures.

Thank goodness we have cell phones. We love sending each other texts throughout the day, even if we’re busy, a simple “Thinking of you” text is always heart warming.

8.) Be close.

If Dave has an away game, I love hopping in the car for the ride with him. It’s extra time together and just being in the same space is always nice.

9.) Remember the pros.

With opposite schedules, we can tackle everyday household chores at different hours of the day that are more convenient for us. It helps keep everything a little more balanced and in order.

I’d love to hear from you guys. Are any of you in relationships where you work opposite schedules? How do you manage it?

2 Comments on How To Maintain A Strong Relationship With Opposite Work Schedules

  1. Laura @ Life with Lolo
    October 22, 2015 at 1:34 pm (9 years ago)

    I loved this post. For a long time my BF and I were on opposite schedules and it was always difficult. These were great tips and we utilized a lot of these things! Since I so rarely got to see him I used to take him “lunch” during his night shift which was really late at night. His office would be empty so I could just sit and chat for a while when I did this. It was one way that we made things work and spent time together back then.

    • everygoodthing
      November 18, 2015 at 6:55 pm (8 years ago)

      Thanks Laura! Aw, that’s so sweet of you to bring him lunch during the late hours of the night. It really is all about sacrifice.


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