Starting A Photography Business: KatelynKellie Photography

photography business tips katelynkellie

I recently have been working on a fun project with my friend Kate. We did a styled shoot together a few years back. She is an amazing photographer who started her business, KatelynKellie Photography about three years ago. She’s super talented and extremely good at what she does. I thought it would be fun to interview her and hear about her experience as a wedding photographer. If you’re interested in perhaps starting your own photography business or want tips on what to wear to an engagement shoot, keep reading below.

How did you get interested photography?

I’ve always loved pictures. When I was younger, I wanted to bring a camera with me on all my school trips, whether it was a kodak disposable camera or a simple point and shoot. I always felt the need to document things. My mom was really into photography and film as well, so I would often play around with her equipment. In high school, I took whatever photography course was offered. It wasn’t until my cousin Kim, started her own photography business that I was really inspired to make a career out of it.

How did you first get started?

Since I knew I wanted to be a photographer, I decided to take as many photography classes as I could during high school and college. Most of what I learned was from shadowing other photographers. I did a lot of this and acted as a second shooter for weddings. I would throw posts on Facebook offering photo sessions and charged per session. This was when I realized I knew I loved what I was doing because it didn’t seem like a “job” but yet, it was something I could make money from.

How would you describe your style?

My style is timeless, romantic and dreamy. I would also say it’s very natural. I don’t like too much artificial lighting or editing.

katelynkellie wedding photography tips

What’s your favorite thing to take photos of?

There are aspects of everything I shoot that I love, but I have to say there’s something special about shooting a couple in love. My favorite thing to shoot is weddings. I love capturing a bride and groom on their wedding day. It’s fun because they’re all dressed up. I also like engagement sessions. They’re different though because they’re less formal. I like that engagement sessions still capture that romance, but in an everyday, more casual setting.

What’s the number one thing you’re always thinking when taking photos?

I’m constantly thinking about how I can make my clients look good. I’m always asking myself, “Is this how they would want to look in a photo?” I try to make sure the photo is flattering and really captures the essence of who they are. I want my clients to look happy, beautiful and feel good about themselves.  I really want their personality to come out in the photos. If we’re talking technical, I’m always thinking about about the lighting.

katelynkellie photography business tips

If your clients are doing an engagement session, what do you advise them to wear on the day of their shoot?

I tell them to bring two outfits. One casual outfit that represents themselves and another outfit that is more fancy (or as fancy as they want to go). This gives them two different looks. I advise my clients not to wear all black or all white. There’s a difference between wearing an all white wedding dress and wearing an all white outfit. Wedding dresses look great in photos because there’s lots of texture, whereas plain white t-shirts don’t photograph as well. I tell my clients to stay away from yellows, depending on the shade. Prints are ok, but you want to be careful because sometimes they can be too distracting and take away from the person’s face. Colors that look good in engagement shots are navy, grey, mints, corals, jeans and khakis.

Is there anything I can do ahead of time to make sure I look my best before my engagement session?

I always tell my brides that engagement sessions are a good time to get their trial hair and make up done. That way, they feel extra good when they’re in front of the camera. If it’s an early morning shoot, I recommend getting plenty of sleep the night before.

What’s your secret to making your clients feel good in front of the camera?

I’m quite quirky, so I use my sense of humor to help make things fun. I try to tell my clients how I’m looking for them to pose in the photos and then I explain to them why. For example, I’ll say, “Don’t hold your hand like that because you could look like a tiny T-Rex.” Using humor makes people more comfortable in front of the camera and it also makes them feel more confident in me as their photographer.

photography tips from Katelyn Kellie photography

What’s the most important thing you tell your brides before shooting their wedding?

There are a couple of things I tell my brides. I tell them to get ready in a well lit room. Getting ready photos look prettiest in a room where there’s plenty of natural light. I tell my clients to relax and to have somebody, for example, a friend or an aunt that they can trust the day of the wedding. This person should help take on any stress that the bride would normally have. I recommend someone who is close to you so that when things come up, you can pass them on without worrying about it.

What advice would you give anyone who’s interested in starting their own photography business?

If you want to get into photography, I recommend getting a camera and just start shooting with it. Some people like shooting landscapes and scenery, which is totally different than wedding photography. Play around with your camera and shoot people or scenery and see what works for you and what you enjoy. Once you figure out what type of photographer you want to be and what you want to shoot, then try to figure out your style. Is your style moody or eclectic? Or do you prefer light and airy? Once you’ve figured out your style, find words to describe it. This will help you market your business. It’s important to know what you want to do before you go into the administration of it all. I also think that finding your style takes time. When I look at my older stuff, it looks completely different than what I create now.

katelyn kellie photography tips

What’s been your biggest challenge in starting your business?

Wedding photography is really a word of mouth business, so some months it’s busier than others. It can be difficult in Michigan because we have long winters and not many people want to shoot outside in the cold. It’s also difficult to market yourself. I’ve become more comfortable with it as time has passed. I’ll constantly bring up my photography business in conversation but it took some time for me to feel comfortable saying that ‘I am a photographer’. Marketing yourself is also a lot of trial and error – Do you do a bridal expo or not? What social media platforms work best? etc.

What would you have told yourself the first day of starting KatelynKellie Photography?

I wish I could’ve told myself to start connecting with other creatives sooner. It’s more popular to collaborate with other creatives now and I feel like it would’ve been a good thing for me to have started from the beginning. I also would have told myself to have patience and to be careful on comparison.

wedding photography tips

What’s been your favorite destination shoot?

I loved shooting in Maui because I don’t typically get to shoot by the ocean. The scenery was totally different than what I normally shoot. I had a great time exploring and trying out different things. I also loved shooting in Nashville because it was somewhere I’d never been before. I want to shoot a destination wedding in Paris or the south of France. I love traveling so much that it would be really cool to continue mixing my two passions.

What are your favorite go-to photography blogs?

I really like Jasmine Star, Lauren Fair and the Abby Grace blog.

starting a photography business katelyn kellie

KatelynKellie Photography is now offering at special deal for all Everygoodthing readers! Get $50 off any session or $200 off any wedding package. This offer is available until the end of the month. To get this discount, mention EGTPhoto in your inquiry. Kate does beautiful senior portraits, family sessions, engagement sessions, wedding packages, maternity shots, baby sessions and destination weddings.

Follow Kate on Instagram or Facebook.

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