Why Every Girl Should Travel Alone At Least Once In Her Life

why every girl should travel alone once in her life

After reading this post, I was so inspired to write why I think every girl should try traveling alone, at least once in her life. A few years back upon finishing my study abroad in Spain, I traveled to Paris for 5 days by myself. It was such a cool experience to travel on my own and I’ll never forget it. Here are the perks of traveling alone and why I think every girl should try it:

1.) You have complete freedom

I loved waking up in the morning and thinking, hey I wonder where I’ll go today?

2.) You make every decision

When you’re traveling alone, there’s no one making executive decisions for you. When I travel with other people, I tend to be pretty go with the flow and don’t like making the decisions. However, when you’re alone, you have to make every decision by yourself. I’d catch myself asking; Should I go see this tourist attraction? Should I go down this street? Should I stop and sit and get a coffee? Should I eat at this restaurant? It can be intimidating and rewarding to rely completely on yourself for all decision making while traveling.

3.) You’re on no ones time but your own

It’s great traveling on your own and not having to worry about anyones schedule but your own. If you want to sleep in, you can. If you want extra time to check out in a certain area, go ahead! I especially loved having my own time while on Avenue des Champs-Elysees. If I were there with my brother or my dad, I know I wouldn’t have spent that much time window shopping.

4.) You can let your curiosity take you wherever you want to go

Rarely, do you get the opportunity to completely let your curiosity take you where you want to go. While traveling alone, I’d wander the streets without a map and stumble across local food and flower markets, art exhibits, historical buildings, famous parks, etc. It was so fun just going wherever my heart desired. You get to see so much when you let your curiosity take you where you want to go.

5.) You don’t have to wait in line (at least for very long)

One of the perks of traveling alone is that you don’t have to wait long to be seated at a restaurant or to be let into a museum. I remember there were crowds of people touring Versailles and I was able to sneak through everyone, see what I wanted to see, but not wait in a long line. It was fantastic!

6.) It’s easy to meet new people

When you’re traveling alone, it’s a lot easier to meet new people and strike up conversation with strangers. I met a guy from Tunisia and he was telling me all about his life there. Before meeting him, I hate to admit it but I had no idea where Tunisia even was on a map.

7.) You don’t have to worry about splitting fares

Splitting up restaurant checks and taxi rides can be hassle when you’re traveling with a large group of people. When you’re traveling alone you don’t have to worry about that kind of stuff.

8.) You have lots of time to think

Traveling on your own gives you plenty of time to practice mindfulness and to really think. You get to know yourself a lot better and really ask yourself some of the harder questions like, what do I do I want to do with my life?

9.) You learn to appreciate people

Traveling alone makes you realize how important other people are to you. I remember being super excited to Skype my family and to let them know what I was up to. Traveling by yourself really makes you appreciate the people you sometimes take for granted.

10.) You feel brave and accomplished

After traveling alone, I felt like I could do anything. I found may way around the train system, I figured out how to order, I got lost in Montmartre, I felt like I did it all! You definitely feel a sense of accomplishment and pride after traveling alone.

I’d love to know, have you ever traveled alone? And if not, would you ever try it?

Also, if you’re curious here are 10 tips for solo female travelers.

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