What Happened The Week My Husband Was Out Of Town

what happens when my husband is out of town

Last week, Dave was out of town to take his soccer team to a National Championship in Florida. I wasn’t able to make it down there but I enjoyed the little time at home to myself. I usually dread when he leaves town, but at the same time, I think it’s good for us to have our separation every now and again. It helps us appreciate one another and some missing is always a good thing. Besides, there’s nothing better than getting butterflies in your stomach when your reunite with the one you love. Am I right? So, here’s what happened the week my husband was out of town…

1.) The bed was cold.

I love sleeping next to Dave, mostly because he’s a great source of body heat. When he’s not home, the bed is freezing! In my attempt to make it better, I splurged and bought new flannel sheets and a heating blanket.

2.) Ben and Jerry’s all to myself.

Every night I found myself sneaking into the freezer to eat Ben and Jerry’s out of the carton. Two different flavors too, shame on me!

3.) Girl time.

Saturday was spent with two of my girlfriends, laying around our apartment and chatting up a storm. Girl time is always necessary.

4.) Fish talk.

I was fishsitting a betta fish named Oscar. When it was just me and him in the apartment, I noticed I would strike up conversation with him. A bit odd? Yes! However, it made me realize how much I value having my husband around to talk to.

5.) Left overs 4 nights in a row.

I realized I only like cooking when someone else is there to enjoy the food with me. I don’t cook very well for myself, I only like cooking when I know I’m feeding and eating with others. It’s a social thing!

6.) Family Skype.

I’m always Skyping my family but while Dave was out of town, I was Skyping with them even more! It’s always good having them on Skype and it makes it feel like they aren’t so far away.

7.) Waking up was harder than ever.

Dave recently got a new iPhone and his alarm clock ring tone is so wonderfully horrible. It’s wonderful because it’s wakes you up. And it’s horrible because it wakes you up. I’m so used to my alarm clock ring tone that I sleep straight through it, and that’s what I did almost every morning he was out of town. I know, I could change my ring tone but it’s just more fun waking up to a man than an awful, overly chirpy ring tone. Who’s with me on this one?

I’d love to hear from you guys, what things do you find different when your loved ones are out of town?

4 Comments on What Happened The Week My Husband Was Out Of Town

  1. Lauren @ Oh Hey! I Like That!
    November 23, 2015 at 1:09 pm (9 years ago)

    Whenever my boyfriend goes out of town, I feel like I lose my heat source, too! But on the plus side, I will take up the whole dang bed lol!

    • everygoodthing
      November 25, 2015 at 5:02 pm (9 years ago)

      Haha that’s so true! There’s definitely a plus side of having him gone and getting ALL that extra space :)

  2. chelsea jacobs
    November 23, 2015 at 3:01 pm (9 years ago)

    I’m the same way-I don’t like cooking just for myself!

    • everygoodthing
      November 25, 2015 at 5:07 pm (9 years ago)

      Glad to see someone else feels the same way! Thanks Chelsea!


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