What Things To Consider When Naming Your Puppy

What to consider when naming your puppy-dog

I’m super excited to say that early next year, Dave and I will be bringing home a puppy! My goodness, we are insanely crazy about this puppy and we’ve never even met him. Seriously. We’ve already been to Petsmart on 6 different occasions just to walk around and get ourselves acquainted with the dog world again. It’s a beautiful thing and we are both so excited! As you can imagine, the constant conversation around our house these days is: what are we going to name him? We narrowed it down to a list of 7 names and we’re holding off on settling on one until we meet him.

Here are some things we’ve been considering while trying to come up with a name for our new puppy.

1.) Consider the dogs breed, personality and appearance.

Because you can’t name a German Shepard Fluffy.

2.) Stay away from names that sound like commands.

We love the name Fletcher, but it sounds a little too similar to fetch. It’s important to avoid names that sound like commands, as that will only confuse the puppy.

3.) No family, friends, or colleagues names.

Because that can get awkward and confusing.

4.) Does the name make you happy.

If we aren’t smiling ear to ear after saying the puppy’s name, it’s a no go.

5.) What does the name mean.

I might be the only weird one that cares about this kind of thing, but I love Googling names to find out what they mean. If the name means something negative, then I probably won’t consider it anymore.

6.) Does the name have meaning to you.

We like the idea of naming our puppy after something that has special meaning to Dave and I. Such as the name of the place we’ve vacationed together, a restaurant we love, or a street name that brings back special memories, etc.

What things did you consider when naming your dog? Also, if you have any awesome name ideas, throw them our way!

8 Comments on What Things To Consider When Naming Your Puppy

  1. chelsea w
    December 22, 2015 at 8:30 am (9 years ago)

    These are such good things to think about! We were getting a smaller breed (Yorkie/Shih-Tzu mix) but didn’t necessarily want the “Fluffy” or “Princess” name, you know? Nothing wrong with those names necessarily, I just preferred a name that stuck out! I wanted the name to mean something to me, and so I eventually decided on Paisley. (And before you ask, like so many men have in the past, it does NOT have anything to do with the singer Brad Paisley UGH. Wish I would have considered THAT.) I love sewing and quilting, and I absolutely love the paisley design. I think it’s fun and quirky and pretty, with each paisley print unique. All traits my dog carried as a pup and still does to this day (one year old just a few days ago!). I just couldn’t imagine any other name for her and I am always hearing people say, “Oh my gosh–she just looks like a Paisley”–I’ll take it!

    • everygoodthing
      January 28, 2016 at 2:09 pm (9 years ago)

      Aww I love the name Paisley! So perfect for a Yorkie/Shih-Tzu mix too. And I love how you came up with it :) Did you get her yet?

  2. chelsea jacobs
    December 22, 2015 at 3:24 pm (9 years ago)

    #2 is great advice..something I’ve never thought of!

    • everygoodthing
      January 28, 2016 at 2:10 pm (9 years ago)

      Thanks Chelsea!

  3. Kathleen Howell
    December 24, 2015 at 9:21 am (9 years ago)

    I’ve heard that one syllable names are better when it comes to training.. How exciting! I can’t wait to see puppy pictures!

    • everygoodthing
      January 28, 2016 at 2:14 pm (9 years ago)

      I didn’t know that! Very helpful :) Haha there will be plenty of pictures coming. Missed you at our last Meetup. Hope you had a great time in Florida.

  4. Solya
    December 31, 2015 at 6:44 am (9 years ago)

    Happy New Year dear!!!:)

    • everygoodthing
      January 28, 2016 at 2:16 pm (9 years ago)

      Thanks so much Solya! You too!


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